Wondering what to expect from my Ableton Live 101 class?
The main Ableton Live class is divided into four sessions and more or less the follows the following format. The first class nails-down the "big picture" ideas behind Live and what makes it unique among other programs, how the program is laid out, where to find stuff, how clips work, how scenes work, and how to set up Live's preferences and basic settings.
The second class will focus on how audio behaves within Live, recording audio, sequencing audio, audio clip settings, warp markers, audio effects, song automation and clip automation.
The third class focuses on MIDI and virtual instruments, sending MIDI to, from and within your computer, recording MIDI performances, sequencing MIDI, MIDI effects, MIDI control, using Live's built-in virtual instruments, using third-party instruments, automating instruments.
The final class brings it all together (although often times there's some spill-over from the previous class discussion on virtual instruments), we walk through some example projects in Live that use both audio and MIDI, we discuss performance techniques, DJ techniques, Live 6's instrument and effect racks, using control surfaces, syncing audio to video and vice versa.